A collection of my thoughts, ideas and processes.
11th November 2021
My Career Aspiration
Hi, my name is ifrah. This is my first blog post where I will introduce myself and outline my career aspirations. I am currently in my first year of university...
12th November 2021
My Updated Career Aspiration
In this post I will be continuing from my last blog post which focuses on my career aspirations.Previous to my...
19th November 2021
5 Underrated resources to learn Git and Github
This week, I finally built up the courage to deep dive into learning Git and GitHub without having to relying on GUI and using the command...
4th December 2021
Identifying my strengths and weaknesses.
I think one of the hardest things to do in relation to professional growth is to accurately identify what...
8th December
How i plan to maximise my learning to improve my skills
Learning a topic or process may be easy, but it is just as easy to forget it in a couple of weeks if not...
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